Ave Maria

I have heard many versions of Ave Maria, but, I really like this one. The singing is soulful and humble. Sometimes singers give real virtuoso performances, but, this version sticks to the spiritual essence of the song.

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3 responses to “Ave Maria”

  1. Dear Tejvan, Franz Schubert’s version of the song has always been my favourite. On my 30th birthday I wrote a simple poem for her, related to the lyrics:

    You are so far away!

    From now on
    Only on the nude rock
    I want to take rest
    And it will be feeling
    As being bedded
    On soft clouds.

    “My child,
    I am closer to you
    As you may think.”

    Many years ago I had a job as a gardener at a cemetary to take care of selected graves. Whenever there was a burial ceremony I would ask the organisers which song they had chosen and when it was Ave Maria by Schubert, I would be stealing myself behind the curtain and listen to the song.

    Sri Chinmoy has translated the lyrics of the song into Latin.

  2. It is easy to listen to the Music, because we heard
    it so many times in our own classical concerts.
    The piano-part reminds me of Prachar’s playing. This piano-part is really in no hurry, the notes bring calmness
    and stillness to the human ears. Franz Schubert’ Ave Maria
    has a deep connection with the happenings in Nature, because everything is already there.

  3. Hi Tejvan,
    I heard from Vidagdha that she had written some articles and they were on your site (which is very nice by the way) but for the life of me I can’t find them.
    Can you please send me a link?