Morning Run
Battersea Park in the Snow
Battersea Pagods
Primrose Hill Kite Flying and Rainbow
These excellent photos were taken by Pavitrata and show an unexpected site to Greater London.
London Sri Chinmoy Centre have a new meditation site London Meditation
Unlike most deer, this one was fearless and just posed for as long as I needed.
The avenue of trees is (Morning Run) is on Wimbledon Common.
The snow photos were taken when we all got sent home from work as soon as we got there, well, 3 out of 50 of us got there! So I spent the day in the park, Starbucks, back the park, Pizza Express, back to the park etc!
Primrose Hill has the best elevated view of London; followed by Greenwich Observatory. It’s a great place to stormwatch from!
Thanks for putting the pix on your blog.