Inspired by 3100 Mile Race 2019
Every year, I follow the Sri Chinmoy 3100 Mile Self-Transcendence Race from a distance. This year seemed a particularly good edition. I know Nirbhasa (who finished in 2nd place) and…
Every year, I follow the Sri Chinmoy 3100 Mile Self-Transcendence Race from a distance. This year seemed a particularly good edition. I know Nirbhasa (who finished in 2nd place) and…
Whilst in Leeds, I visited the Sri Chinmoy Peace Plaque in Park Sqauare to check it was still there and in good shape. (more…)
Last night was the last race of the summer races we hold at the Oxford Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile. 87 runners entered the race.
I have bought a megaphone, you won’t be able to take it away from me now. (more…)
No Deal Brexit – No Problem! Let’s dig our way out of this Brexit hole!
Who needs foreign imports when you can survive on home grown British turnips?
So in the spirit of make do and mend, I have been digging up my back garden and will be planting crops which will see me through to at least 2030. (more…)
We have a new statue of Ganapati. Ganapati or Ganesha is widely revered as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom.…
I have a new economics book published this week. - What Would Keynes do? It was good fun to write. In addition to my existing knowledge, I had to do…
Saturday was National Bookshop Day. They seem to have a national day for everything these days. But, in the case of bookshops, I think it is well deserved. I’m really…
The Works of Sri Chinmoy: Stories, vol. I
‘Stories Volume I’ is a collection of Indian based stories written by Sri Chinmoy.
In many cases, they are based on traditional Indian stories from the age of the Mahabharata and Puranas. It also includes stories about the Moghul Emperors, and great Indian spiritual Masters of the recent past, such as Lahiri Mahasaya and Troilanga Swami.
The stories are told with great simplicity and directness, but at the same time contain profound spiritual lessons.
In recent years, I have tried to get into the Mahabharata, but have often found it difficult due to the sheer volume and complexity of the stories (plus a never ending list of characters with difficult names!). This collection of short stories is a very good way to gain an insight into some of the main characters, such as Sri Krishna and Arjuna. After reading this collection, I now have a bit more confidence to delve into other Indian spiritual classics. I would recommend this book as a very good introduction for those seeking to gain an accessible insight into the spiritual history of India. (more…)