The meaning of remembrance and a better future
In the UK, Remembrance Sunday is a significant event to honour those who died during the world wars. This year is of special significance because it marks 100 years since the armistice ending the First World War. When I was young, our school went on a trip to Belgium to visit former battlefields and cemeteries. […]
Article on 3100 Mile Race
For Sri Chinmoy Centre, I wrote an article on the Inner Meaning of the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race I also posted similar article (with a few more selected photos at) Sri Chinmoy Races
Loch Lomond meditation
Around the turn of the century, the great yogi Swami Vivekananda visited Britain. He gave lectures and taught the basics of yoga and meditation to British seekers – Vivekananda was one of the first to bring the great spiritual traditions of India to the West. He stayed several months and it included a trip to […]
Constable’s Hay Wain in Flatford via Todmorden
Last week I was in Yorkshire. When in Yorkshire, I often like to cycle into the picturesque Yorkshire Dales – picture postcard villages, limestone crops and sweeping meadows. But this time I was drawn to the rugged industrial towns and moors of Calderdale – the windswept moors above Haworth and the old industrial towns of […]
Non-violence and the problem of slugs and snails
I have a dilemma. This year I’ve taken more interest in gardening, and have bought a few plants. The problem is that there has been an explosion in the population of slugs and snails. The garden is being decimated by these small creatures. You wake up in the morning and new plants and old daffodils […]
Overcoming religious intolerance
My father works in a book charity shop. He came across this old book “The Justice of the Peace” – MDCCLVII (That is 1757 if my Latin is up to scratch). This was a very different period. A time in history pre-French and American Revolutions, a time before any meaningful industrial revolution. It was interesting […]
Trainspotters meaning
I am reading a book – Platform Souls ‘Trainspotter as 20th Century Hero” by Nicholas Whittaker Whittaker was a train-spotter when growing up in the 1960s. He tells of his fascination in watching steam trains and also how the decline of the railways and steam, completely changed the view of train-spotters, from a young hip […]