Mid Autumn Oxford Botanic Gardens
This is Magdalen Bridge over the River Cherwell. It looks like the ducks are going to go for a punt!
Magdalen Tower. The pink Nerines offer a dash of un-autumnal colour. (more…)
Peace Run in Oxford
Today the Peace Run visited Oxford. We visited the Oxford Union and two local schools. It was a rewarding day.
Magdalen Tower.
“Lasting peace must begin within the depths of the individual, and from there spread in ever-widening circles as a dynamic force for world change.”
– Sri Chinmoy
A local dog walker gets to meet the run. (more…)
Views through the arches
Bodleian Library. Sunlight through the arch.
Radcliffe Camera and All Soul’s from Queens College (more…)
Worcester College photos
We are currently postering for some upcoming meditation classes for the Sri Chinmoy Centre.
I put up posters in the Oxford colleges, which is a great job, though I often get distracted from pinning posters on poster boards and take a few photos of the College grounds.
This is Worcester College in the heart of Oxford, though in parts you feel you could be in the countryside. (more…)
Photos of Oxford in May
Oxford in May is beautiful. After a long grey British winter, in late April and May there is a real transformation as trees come into leaf and blossom covers many of the streets. The city’s architecture is complemented by nature’s beauty. There is also a great feeling of newness because of the tremendous greenness, which is very vivid. I particularly notice it after coming back from New York in April. There are few countries, which see such an intense green – in UK, we like to complain about the weather but the rain does help the colour and freshness.
I love these daises which grow in wildflower verges by the side of many roads.
May is also the month when we hold Sri Chinmoy Races at Cutteslowe Park, north Oxford. It is a great time to be in the park, which has quite a few areas of natural wildlife flowers.
Late flowering Apple Blossom on Marston road.
Photos – Lady Margaret Hall gardens – spring
The great Copper Beech with a sea of daffodils underneath.

The river Cherwell borders the gardens of Lady Margaret Hall. The river Cherwell is a major tributary to the River Thames or “Isis”
The Cherwell often breaches its banks. These willow trees don’t mind. (more…)